In case of death, an immediate and personalized solution


Municipality: Municipality of Ariana

Address : 4th floor, 15 Av. Habib Bourguiba, Ariana

Tel number : +216 71 711 100 / +216 71 711 641

Municipality: Municipality of Beja

Address: Independence Square Beja 9000

Tel number : +216 78 451 944

Municipality: Municipality Ben Arous

Adress : P6XF+8R9, Ben Arous

Tel number : +216 71 383 187 / +216 71 381 263

Municipality: Municipality of Bizerte

Address : Place du City Palace, 7000 Bizerte

Tel number : +216 72 431 001

Municipality: Municipality of Gabes

Adress : V4P2+H6W, Gabes

Tel number : +216 75 270 149

Municipality: Municipality of Gafsa

Adress : Av Habib Bourguiba Gafsa, Tunisie 2100

Tel number : +216 76.225.225 / +216 76 228 870 / +216 76 228 060

Municipality : Municipality of Jendouba

Address: hedi chaker street and taieb mhiri، Enour street, Jendouba

Tel number : +216 78 600 200

Municipality: Municipality of Kairouan

Address : Commercial city in Kairouan

Tel number : +216 77 230 666 / +216 77 230 044 / +216 77 230 324

Municipality: Municipality of Kasserine

Adress : Place des martyrs, Kasserine 1200

Tel number : +216 77 478 288

Municipality: Municipality of Kebili

Adress : PX3F+7MJ, C206, Qibilī

Tel number : +216 75 490 011

Municipality: Municipality of Kef

Adress : Place du 8 Juillet 1884 Le Kef , Le Kef 7100 – Tunisie

Tel number : +216 78 202 328 / +216 78 201 122

Municipality: Municipality of Mahdia

Adress : G339+C39, Mahdia

Tel number : +216 73 681 700

Municipality: Municipality of Manouba

Adress : Rue Hadi Shaker, Mannouba 2010

Tel number : +216 71 600 397

Municipality: Municipality of Medenine

Adress : 8FWQ+MF6, Unnamed Road, Médenine

Tel number : +216 75 643 281 / +216 75 640 041

Municipality: Municipality of Monastir

Adress : QRFM+8F2, Monastir

Tel number : +216 73 461 270

Municipality: Municipality of Nabeul

Adress : CPRH+V9G, Nabeul‎

Tel number : +216 72 285 010

Municipality: Municipality of Sfax

Adress : Av. Habib Bourguiba, Sfax 3000

Tel number : +216 74 229 744

Municipality: Municipality of Sidi Bouzid

Adress : 2FQP+25M, Sidi Bouzid

Tel number : +216 76 632 048

Municipality: Municipality of Siliana

Adress : 39PF+Q5P, C73, Siliana

Tel number : +216 78 871 837

Municipality: Municipality of Sousse

Adress : Avenue Mohamed V, Sousse

Tel number : +216 70 161 700

Municipality: Municipality of Tataouine

Adress : Av. habib bourguiba, Tataouine

Tel number : +216 75 860 002 / +216 75 860 010

Municipality: Municipality of Tozeur

Adress : W49P+JMH, Tozeur

Tel number : +216 76 453 055

Municipality: Municipality of Tunis

Adress : Avenue 2 Mars 1934 1008 – Kasbah Tunis

Tel number : +216 71 571 198

Municipality: Municipality of Zaghouan

Adress : 94XW+FX6, Unnamed Road, Zaghouan

Tel number : +216 72 675 866 / +216 72 682 606


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